This recent speech was a chess move, says Tom Davis, former chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, and a pretty predictable one. 美国共和党众议院全国委员会(NationalRepublicanCongressionalCommittee)前任主席汤姆•戴维斯认为,这次演讲只不过是奥巴马总统的一步棋而已,并且也在外界的意料之中。
Then one of the computer scientists who was not a chess player, and who was shifting the pieces on the board for the computer, made a wrong move. 后来一位不是棋手的计算机专家,在棋盘上为电脑移动棋子的时候,又走错了一步。
The principal chess piece, which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate. 王象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死。
It treats its relationship with the EU as a game of chess, with 27 opponents crowding the other side of the table and squabbling about which piece to move. 它将与欧盟之间的关系视为一盘棋,而27个对手挤在桌子的另一边,争吵着该动哪个棋子。
Like chess, each move you make will affect the entire game. 与下象棋一样,您做的每次移动都会影响到整个游戏。
Chess masters often know the right move to make even if they cannot articulate how they know it. 棋王通常「知道」正确的棋步,即使他们无法说清楚自己为什麽知道。
In Chess, It's Called Zugzwang, when the only viable move, is not to move. 在棋局里,这叫做“被动强制”,唯一可行的走法,就是不走。
Any genuinely new trend is a knight's move. I just remind you, in chess the knight doesn't move in a straight line. 所以,任何新趋势都是迂回前进,我只是提醒大家一下,在国际象棋中马是不走直线的。
To move the king in chess from its own square two empty squares to one side and then, in the same move, bring the rook from that side to the square immediately past the new position of the king. 用车护王在国际象棋中,把王从它自己的方格向一边移动两个空方格,然后在同样的移动中把车从那边移至紧靠着王的新位置的方格。
Chinese chess, for instance, has a cannon which can jump over another piece to attack the opponent, but it doesn't have any pieces that can move diagonally like the bishop or queen can. 例如象棋有炮,可跳一个子来打敌人,但是没有像主教或皇后一样可以斜走的棋。
Othello, also known as anti-chess ( Reversi), Othello, chess ( Othello), Apple's move, flip move. 黑白棋,又叫反棋(Reversi)、奥赛罗棋(Othello),苹果棋,翻转棋。
There is a unique chess rule which involves a special move in chess that many casual players are not aware of, the rule is called "en passant". 顺便有一个独特的国际象棋的规则,涉及一个特别行动在国际象棋,许多休闲玩家不知道,规则是所谓的“顺便”。
When playing the chess, masters will stop the consideration on the position after one move if the current thinking position matches an endgame pattern, which has been remembered in the masters 'brains, but the search engines will not. 象棋大师们的大脑记住了很多残局的模式,当他们在下棋的过程中,发现当前思考局面能够匹配某个残局模式,就会停止进一步的思考。
But when facing the complicated dynamic game systems, such as chess game, it is hard to solve one move by game theory. Thus some limitations of the theory are shown. 然而面对大规模的复杂的动态博弈系统,如象棋博弈,现有的博弈论却不能进行着法的求解,由此暴露出现有博弈论的一些局限性问题。